This FREE area provides wonderful opportunities to receive energy support and special energy processes directly from Jo Dunning.

When you explore this section you will find great information, explanations and very powerful energy processes from Jo.



The Prayer List is a way to receive special assistance from Jo Dunning with any area of your life. Many people have noticed wonderful changes as a result of receiving these very special and powerful prayers. You can submit your name and the names of others you would like to be included on the list. These can be members of your family, friends, pets, neighbors, employees, etc. The names you submit will remain on the list and receive prayers for the next 30 days.

Many people on the Prayer List also enjoy listening to the free workshops offered by phone each month. These workshops assist in the rapid life changes you desire.

Prayer List Instructions

To add names to the Prayer list, fill out the brief information below. In the Prayers for box below add only the first name of the people you would like to receive the prayers which Jo Dunning will offer on their behalf. If you are adding more than one name, separate names with a comma. Do not include their last name or any information about their specific needs.

Having trouble seeing the Prayer list form?
Please Note: When using your computer please use either FireFox or Safari to access our prayer list.

If you are not seeing the Prayer List form below,  please click here to access the form.

IMPORTANT: If you are not already on our email list and would like to receive occasional emails from Jo Dunning, please indicate your preferences below.





Your love offering will go a long way to help cover some of the high costs of creating the free events offered by Jo Dunning. By providing the monthly Free Quick Pulse Teleconference, Activations of Awakening, online Energy Videos, Daily Prayer List and other free opportunities, everyone has an easy way to assist their life by experiencing some of the amazing Energy Processes, offered by Jo Dunning.

We thank for thinking of us and considering helping others to enjoy a happier life.

Click on the heart below to provide your gift.


Every time I place someone on your prayer list miracles occur. Recently a young woman had her $18,000 month medical insurance approved after having been denied. Her grandmother was lucid after six months of not being alert in a nursing home. Once you even helped find an autistic boy who was lost in the woods for days. He was miraculously fine when located.

You are a gift from God Jo!

Debra , Silver Spring, Maryland

Good morning, Jo and co. It is me, again. Miracle did happened on Monday!!!:)
Love, Ana

Ana, Split, Croatia