Jo spoke to everyone live on the recent Free Monthly Quick Pulse Teleconference. It was an inspiring message of love and wisdom about the times we are experiencing right now.

At the bottom of this email is the link to the recording of her message. It is titled, You Have The Power!

Each day, Jo is providing you support to personally assist you through these challenging times.  Please know when Jo personally offers something it is filled with the same healing energy we each so appreciate and are wanting to receive.  Just hearing her speak or reading something from her carries the same Divine healing energy we enjoy during her powerful events.  

To receive support from Jo watch for her emails with written messages, Gems from Jo and audio messages. If you have missed them, they are on our homepage at and in our social media posts.

For more support be sure to use Jo’s daily prayer list, videos on the website and YouTube and the powerful free Monthly Quick Pulse Teleconference. You can find them here: 

All of these are offered as a supportive gift as you go through the many challenges in your life right now.

Below you will find the link to Jo’s most recent audio recording. 

We received many emails from people around the world who wanted to share the message from Jo with family and friends. We were contacted by others in different time zones who were unable to attend the Quick Pulse Teleconference and hear Jo speaking live. And then some wrote who just wanted to hear Jo’s comforting voice again, receive her energy and enjoy the wisdom of her message another time.

As you will learn from Jo in this message, the time is now and the challenges of this moment around the world are part of the journey into something so much greater!  Miracles are happening and a birthing is taking place!  

You personally have incredible power over the outcome! It is time for an exceptional life!

You can click below to listen to Jo’s message, You Have The Power. You are welcome to share this link with others.

Click on the blue icon below to listen to the recording.

Or click to listen in SoundCloud.