  • In these 3 powerful recorded workshops, Jo Dunning presents her own personal method of Expanding Consciousness and Awakening which she discovered on her spiritual journey and has used for many years! Now she has combined all of these insights into a simple method you can easily use to transform your own consciousness and life. During each workshop, Jo Dunning offers powerful energy work and processes, tuned just for you, to help you easily master each of The 5 Steps to Enlightenment. In addition to the specific energy processes, she also fills the entire workshop with life changing energy.
  • Many people have requested a way to be filled all day and all night with the powerful life changing energy offered by Jo Dunning. GETTING LIFE TO COOPERATE is your answer. It is created by Jo Dunning, with nothing but deep Silence filled with pure, powerful ENERGY. It is a masterpiece of profound and life changing energies offered in this exciting new form. You can use this CD at night when sleeping, when you meditate, at work, when in public or alone at home.  This CD carries an exceptionally high vibration that cannot be duplicated. Although others attempt to copy this original concept developed by Jo Dunning, there are no other products available elsewhere offering vibration at this level. Choose from a downloadable audio file or CD below.
  • These are recordings of Jo as she easily and joyfully carries on inspiring conversations, while the energy is present, assisting lives to change, hearts to fill with love and consciousness to Awaken.
  • Price for 1: $19.95 | Set of 3: $47 This delightful little book is filled with inspiring quotes from Jo. Her wise and loving words offer a refreshing view of life. The quotes offer wonderful insights, suggest a new way to navigate challenges, or offer a reminder about a secret of life. Each quote is energized to assist with receiving its wisdom and insight. The book is a perfect size to carry with you or stand it up to view a new quote to inspire you each day of the month. Size: 3 x 4"
  • This book is an amazing way to create change in your life. The words and the book itself, are all energized to help you create the change in your life you desire. It is a step-by-step discovery of growth into Spiritual Awakening and features Jo's insightful and profound wisdom as she shares her gifts to assist and empower each person into living from new levels of freedom and Spiritual Awakening. Click on Images to see the large text version.
  • Price for 1: $19.95 | Set of 3: $47 This delightful little book is filled with inspiring quotes from Jo. Her wise and loving words offer a refreshing view of life. The quotes offer wonderful insights, suggest a new way to navigate challenges, or offer a reminder about a secret of life. Each quote is energized to assist with receiving its wisdom and insight. The book is a perfect size to carry with you or stand it up to view a new quote to inspire you each day of the month. Size: 3 x 4"


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